PPR Apartments meets Swarthmore’s Environmental Sustainability Framework with lighting that meets the college’s focus on sustainability
BEAM designed the lighting for PPR Apartments, a suite-style residential community on Swarthmore’s arboretum campus. A cluster of three separate cube-shaped structures that are interconnected on all floors, forms a courtyard with the Palmer, Pittenger, and Roberts residence halls near the College’s South entrance, with a premier view of the baseball and softball fields.
The lighting approach enhanced the architect’s vision of the living/learning environment and created well-illuminated spaces for student interactions. Budget, floor-to-ceiling daylight spaces, bridge/connector design, and dark ceilings were challenges to meet for the interior lighting design.
At the exterior, lighting is critical to draw the students to the residences, providing interest and a sense of security at night, as well as connecting the spaces between the buildings, courtyard, pathways and terrace overlooking the fields. The use of LED fixtures allowed for a 13% reduction for interior power and 30% reduction in exterior lighting power, meeting Swarthmore’s sustainability goals.